Term Dates at Stepping Stones Brackley

Term Dates

The school year is broken into three main blocks called terms: Autumn, Spring and Summer. September – December is Autumn Term – this has a one week half term holiday in October. January – March is Spring Term – this has one week half term holiday in February. April – July is Summer Term – this has a one week half term holiday in May. At the end of the Autumn and Spring term there is a two week holiday and at the end of Summer Term there is a six week holiday.

Please find exact term dates below. This will show when our school will be taking INSET days – these are important days where teachers work together on specific projects or training.

Term dates 2023-24

Term Dates 2024-25


We share these overviews to enable parents to make holiday arrangements outside of school term time.

School Attendance


We highly value good attendance in our school because we know the positive impact it has on children’s learning and relationships.

We know our parents want their children to get on well in life. A good education at primary school will support your child in many ways: in being the best they can be academically; in developing positive friendships & social skills; in developing positive habits which will support them at secondary school & future work places. Research has shown a link between poor attendance and poor outcomes for children – this is why attendance really matters.

Being on time for school is also vital. Arriving late at school can be very disruptive for your child, the teacher, and the other children in the class. Missing the first five minutes of the day can be disorientating for a child as this is typically when the timetable of the day is shared with the class. They can also miss the start of a lesson which means they are less likely to understand their work in mathematics or English for that day.

If your child has a worry or is unhappy about coming to school please do talk to the class teacher – we want to help.

Our attendance figures are typically above the national average. All children in our school have their attendance monitored.  Attendance below 95% will be a concern and will be monitored. Parents maybe asked to discuss attendance with the headteacher unless there is a known, persistent, medical issue. Children with attendance less than 90% fall into a Government category called ‘persistent absence’. Typically in our school this only happens occasionally for children with specific medical needs.

For more information on attendance, please see the below leaflet from Gloucestershire County Council:

Leaflet For Parents on School Attendance from GCC

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