Image result for eastington duck raceEvery parent of a pupil currently attending the school is automatically a member of the Parents Association at Eastington. Each year we are fortunate to have a number of parents who form a representative committee to give their time and skill supporting the school in a variety of ways. Do come along and get involved. The PA team are a friendly bunch and work together brilliantly to support the school. Whether you have a couple of hours to help on a stall, have connections with suppliers or you love organising we’d love you to join us.

Image result for eastington parent associationA whole range of events and activities are planned that not only provides additional funds for the school but plays a vital role in strengthening the links between the home, the school and the wider community. We also have and provide fun!

The Parents Association funds support the school in a number of ways  including the purchase of: resources for each class; mathletics subscription for every child; ice pop treats on sports day and small egg treats on school egg hunt day; theatre company visit to the school for an end of year treat; specific projects the school has identified (in the past this has included whole class music lessons for KS2, phonic books, computing hardware, special visitors to support the planned curriculum in a fun way).

RafflesEvents over the year typically include:

  • Oct – Parents Association AGM and information evening (school hall)
  • Oct – Meeting of the PA committee (in school)
  • Nov – Children’s Halloween Party (Eastington Community Centre)
  • Dec – Christmas Bazaar (School hall)
  • April – Easter Egg Hunt (Village)
  • July – Summer Duck Races (School and field opposite)

Please look out for our monthly cake sales at the front of the school (or under the ‘ladybird’ shelter if wet!). Donations are very welcome and can be taken in to the school office by 3pm on the day of the sale.

PA Newsletter Example

Image result for eastington duck race


Our School PA is a registered charity. Some parents donate to us as a school or nominate our school as the named charity for their work place. If you wish to do this our charity number is: 1179860.

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