We aim to support children by working together with parents and carers – this is a powerful approach.
There are many organisations that work with Children and Young People in our county that may be of interest to families too. Please see our Early Help Document which outlines many of these services and the information below.
TIC+ support children and young people aged 9-21 and their families. Often in difficult times it’s good to talk to someone you trust about how you feel. TIC+ will listen and help get your lives back on track. You can talk to them in confidence and they won’t judge. Find out more here: https://ticplus.org.uk/
Family Lives
For information and support on issues facing parents. Parentline Plus has a free confidential helpline available seven days a week, 24 hours a day and locally they also offer group workshops for parents and carers addressing a wide range of issues and one to one support.
Tel: 01453 768160
The Door-Beyond Fear Foundation
Beyond Fear Foundation—A support group for parents who have a child with poor mental health. It offers a safe space for parents to talk about any worries they have and also share progress. This session runs on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7-9pm. Please call 01453 756745 for further information.
Find out more here: https://thedoor.org.uk/support/families/
ALL SORTS – for families who have children with addition needs
Support for parents and grandparents who have a child with additional needs.
They are currently running virtual and physical groups for their families, play sessions, toy library, sibling zoom meetings and parent/carers walk and talk sessions. Find out more here: website for more information
PATA’s reputation as an excellent source of support and information for childcare from birth to teens including holiday play schemes and is built on more than 15 years’ experience and expertise.
Gloucestershire Music Service and Gloucestershire Dance
Winston’s Wish
Support for bereaved children and their families.
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and off line. Explore the website for advice about staying safe when on a phone, tablet or computer.
Childnet International – Online safety resource
Childnet has online safety leaflets for talking about and embedding online safety. For the resources please go to https://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers
Happy Maps
A website to support and advice to parents on behaviour and mental health questions and issues. There is also a self-help page for children and young people. All the books, websites, Apps and videos have been drawn from those already currently recommended by experts and parents. These include the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), the Royal College of Psychiatrists or leading mental health charities and research groups such as MindEd, Childline, Family Lives, YoungMinds, The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust, Relate, Brook, NHS.UK etc..
ON Your Mind Glos
NHS Gloucestershire have developed a mental health website for children and young people up to 25. It is the first step in providing a central platform of information about mental health support for children and young people in Gloucestershire. Please find a link below to the website . There is a section for parental support at the bottom of the page if you wish to seek advice on ways to support your child and the help available. Website: onyourmindglos.nhs.uk