Communication: texts, images, and multimedia
We are going to be using technology to explore and access digital content. Then we will operate a digital device to create digital content e.g., digital art. We will choose media to convey information and select a digital device to complete a specific task.
Understanding the World – The Natural World
Seasonal Changes
In the first half of this term, we will name the four seasons in order, observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and note changes across the four seasons.
In the second half of the term, we will name the petals, stem, leaf, bulb, flower, seed, stem, and root of a plant. We will identify and name a range of common plants and trees and recognise deciduous and evergreen trees. We will also name the trunk, branches, and root of a tree.
Describe what they see, hear, and feel whilst outside.
Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them.
Recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live.
Understanding the World –
People, Places and Communities Around the World – comparisons with The Americas.
This term we will be looking at location, human and physical geography, direction/location, fieldwork, and map work by learning about a small area of the United Kingdom and North and South America. We will begin our unit of work by naming and locating the seven continents and the countries that make up the United Kingdom.
Recognise some similarities and differences between life in this county and life in other countries.
Expressive Arts and Design Drawing – Paul Klee
We will know the difference between a straight and curved line and draw these using different mediums. We will know that there are different grades of pencil and use these to create different shades in our drawings. We will experiment with smudging of pencils and colour and also experiment with a range of media: pencils, rubbers, crayons, pastels, felt tips and charcoal.
Create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.
Develop storylines in their pretend play.
Cooking and Nutrition
We will group familiar food products and understand where food comes from. We will explore how products have been created and how objects and designs identify likes and dislikes. We will prepare simple dishes safely and hygienically (without using a heat source) and learn how to cut ingredients safely. Finally, we will evaluate our designs saying what we like or don’t like about our product.
Physical Development – Gross Motor Skills Gymnastics and Fundamentals (Multi-skills with Mr.S.)
Use their core muscle strength to achieve a good posture when sitting at a table or sitting on the floor.
Combine different movements with ease and fluency.
Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.
Understanding the World – People, Places and Communities
Who is Jewish and how do they live?
Over the term we will recognise the words of the Shema as a Jewish prayer; retell simply some stories used in Jewish celebrations (e.g., Chanukah); give examples of how the stories used in celebrations (e.g., Shabbat, Chanukah) remind Jews about what God is like. We will give examples of how Jewish people celebrate special times
(e.g., Shabbat, Sukkot, Chanukah); make links between Jewish ideas of God found in the stories and how people live.
Understand that some places are special to members of their community.
Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate different times in different ways.
Why is the word ‘God’ so important to Christians?
Why is Easter special to Christians?
Expressive Arts and Design – Creating with Materials
Great Composers and Musicians – Mozart
We will listen to short, simple pieces of music and talk about when we may hear it. We will begin to identify simple repeated patterns and follow basic musical instructions and understand that musical elements can be used to create different moods and effects.
Sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following the melody.
Explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Self Regulation, Managing Self, Building Relationships
Keeping Myself Safe
We will find out that the body gets energy from food, water, and air (oxygen) and recognise the importance of sleep in maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle. We will discuss the importance of sleep in maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle and explore the emotions and physical feelings associated with feeling unsafe. We will identify people who can help them when they feel unsafe.
Identify and moderate their own feelings socially and emotionally.
Think about the perspectives of others.
Keeping Myself Safe > Keeping my Body Safe
What’s safe to go onto my body
Keeping Myself Safe – What’s safe to go into my body (including medicines)
Safe indoors and outdoors
Keeping Myself Safe > Listening to my Feelings
Listening to my feelings
Show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.
Being my Best – Bouncing Back (growth mindset)
Bouncing back when things go wrong
Yes, I can!
Being my Best – Healthy eating
Healthy eating (1)
Healthy eating (2)
Being my Best – Exercise and Sleep
Move your body
A good night’s sleep
See themselves as a valuable individual.
Express their feelings and consider the feelings of others.
Rights & Responsibilities – Looking after Myself and my Friends
Looking after my special people
Looking after my friends
Rights & Responsibilities – Caring for my Environment
Being helpful at home and caring for our classroom
Caring for our world