Teacher: Mrs Burns
KS2 Teaching Assistants: Mrs Yorke and Miss Bingle
Curriculum information
Class 3
Terms 3&4 Spring 2025
The topics that we will be covering during this term of ‘Anglo-Saxons and Vikings’ and
next term ‘Africa‘ are:
English |
Narrative writing based on ‘Talk for Writing’ story – a warning tale called “Zelda Claw and the Rain Cat” Explanation text Weekly spelling test with a new list given on a Thursday for homework
Maths | Multiplication and division
Length, perimeter and area Fractions and decimals We will also work on our four operations to practise column addition and subtraction etc. Times Tables Rock Stars will also continue and 50/100 club each week
Science | Light – how we see things. Understanding reflection and danger of sunlight in our eyes. How shadows are formed and how they can change
Setting up enquiries, fair tests, making predictions, carrying out investigations, recording results and writing conclusions Plants – how water is transported within plants, labelling parts of a plant, finding out about pollination. Understanding seed dispersal |
Communication – text, images and multimedia
Edit digital content for pictures and text. Design a powerpoint presentation
Geography |
The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings:
Viking invasions Anglo-Saxon laws and justice Everyday lives of people at this time Africa – focus on Kenya Map work skills
Art / DT | Art – study of artist: Caravaggio. Focus on drawing experimenting with different grades of pencil to create lines and marks. Experiment with tone and show attention to detail
DT – materials including textiles
Gymnastics with Atlas Sports coach – Mr Sheldrake |
RE | How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?
How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people? |
Listening to music by Tchaikovsky. Understanding instrumentation and appreciating the style
Exploring the music ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley. Listening and researching about this genre
Keeping myself safe